The New Pledge of Allegiance (by Jon Rob Hager)

The New Pledge of Allegiance
  by Jon Rob Hager

I pledge allegiance to the Earth and all of it's inhabitants.
With no borders, no differences, we all are one spirit.
The Earth, all it's animals and plants, I will love,
respect and treat as I would want to be treated.

I pledge world peace and to other worlds 
and their inhabitants.
With no borders, no differences, we all are one spirit.
I will love, respect and treat you as 
I would want to be treated.
And I promise to live by the laws of Creation.

The Four Laws of Creation

O  N  E 

You Exist

(the way that You exist can change, but You always exist in some way, shape, or form) 

T  W  O

The One is the All, and the All are the One

(state of being)

T  H  R  E  E 

What You put out is what You get back

(reflection and attraction)

F  O  U  R 

Change is the only constant, except the first three 
laws that never change

(experiences You have as a result of the actions You take)


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